Geographic location
Geographic location
The realization of a planning project usually implies reinforced relationships among the different stakeholders, especially between the NV and the residents. The roles and tasks of everyone should be well defined, making sure that all can take part in the decision-making. Such collaborations must remain active and be maintained for as long as possible, even after the project has come to an end.
Communication is key. If it is the case during the planning of the project, it is also crucial during its realization. Local residents and other stakeholders must be kept informed about and throughout the evolution of the project. If some aspect has to be changed or rethought, they have to be consulted and included in the search for new solutions.
Furthermore, the relations among stakeholders, which can sometimes be more fraught, must be reinforced by the project and its implementation. The shared perceptions of the strengths, assets and opportunities of the village should remain at the core of the on-going dialogue.

Maintain active collaboration and reinforce existing relations among stakeholders
If relations must be reinforced, some roles must be redefined to avoid overlap in certain tasks during the planning process. This exercise aims to ascertain the complementarity between the mandatory master planning methods and the proposed quality-based guide for community planning.
The NV, as the citizens’ representative, is at the center of the latter process (Figure 1), acting as a proactive and assertive interlocutor. The masterplan and the quality-based guide have to be simultaneously elaborated and validated with the NV to ensure their contents are coherent and echo local realities and expectations.
Define roles and take part
Fig. 1. Schematic representation of stakeholder's relationships involved in the planning process